Perseverance Pays Off as an Entrepreneur

In this dedicated series of quick takes, Iโ€™m excited to cover some topics like founders stories, current reflections on startups, and offer some practical advice. In life, there are natural laws that you have to follow to get the result that you want.

One of those natural laws is understanding that perseverance pays off. By learning how to consistently put in effort and delaying gratification, youโ€™ll be able to gain a great result on the long run. Join me to learn what it takes to succeed in business as an entrepreneur.

Feras Alhlou

Feras Alhlou

Feras has founded, grown, and sold businesses in Silicon Valley and abroad, scaling them from zero revenue to 7 and 8 figures. In 2019, he sold e-Nor, a digital marketing consulting company, to dentsu (a top-5 global media company). Feras has served as an advisor to 150+ other new startup businesses, and in his current venture, Start Up With Feras, he's on a mission to help entrepreneurs in the consulting and services space start and grow their businesses smarter and stronger.

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