2024 Planning: Accounting, Legal, HR, Operations, and Funding

The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

And the quite worn wheels fall under the radar until a disaster happens.

You can avoid these setbacks by keeping all parts of your business machinery well-greased.

Especially the parts that get ignored during the thick of operations.

Find some time to take care of three often ignored aspects of your business before it’s too late:

  1. Back office: HR, legal, bookkeeping, operations, and tech
  2. Funding: Lenders & investors
  3. Yourself: Your physical, mental, and spiritual well being

Although these are things that easily escape our minds during the daily grind, they are nonetheless essential aspects of your business.

In the third part of our New Year’s planning series, we will reflect and prepare for these three areas mentioned above.

Feras Alhlou

Feras Alhlou

Feras has founded, grown, and sold businesses in Silicon Valley and abroad, scaling them from zero revenue to 7 and 8 figures. In 2019, he sold e-Nor, a digital marketing consulting company, to dentsu (a top-5 global media company). Feras has served as an advisor to 150+ other new startup businesses, and in his current venture, Start Up With Feras, he's on a mission to help entrepreneurs in the consulting and services space start and grow their businesses smarter and stronger.

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